CREDIT: Mark Rothko MOCA, Los Angeles photo taken by Tm Gratkowski
Ciao all,
Welcome back to XXIV VII. JULY ISSUE.
Delving deeper into the UKNOWN that’s the theme for SEASON 7 on HYPE A, my podcast. How has the UKNOWN been a factor in your life? I have realised that I’ve been operating from my ego this month. That’s not my natural way of being. I get to delve deeper into the uknown of my heart. That’s where I truly am, that’s were I feel happy, happiest, safe, me. We spend so much time in our head. Why? Is this programmed? So much ego in the world is showing up and it ain’t nice. Chaos.
Take a leap into your heart, the unknown, it takes courage. You can do it and if not this time, make it happen soon. Your heart, your body, your life, you career, your path will thank you.
Everything follows from the heart-what you love will love you in kind and if you falter you can always jump back in. My guide this month has been Quan Yin. She has shown me to have more compassion for myself, to forgive and to be more in my feminine. Maybe she can be a guide, a light for you.
Cristallina X
For enquiries about the availability and pricing for each work, you can contact me at:
A few highlights on the gallery hop, Los Angeles. As I write this, I am on my way to London and will be visiting Tate Modern for the Oscar Murillo exhibition.
You Are An Artist, Sarah Urist Green, a supportive nudge to get your creativity going.
What Heaven Looks Like, James Elkins-whimisical
Man’s Search For Meaning, Victor E Frankl- A must read especially in these chaotic times where the probability of AI swiping and re-writing true accounts of the Holocaust seems very likely.
The Witches Almanac- a ‘go to’ for those interested in plant medicine, natural remedies, recipes, foraging, astrology and predictions.
-Currently reading 1Q84, Murakami. it’s a big one so will continue through August. Check back then. So far loving it.
AUGUST PREDICTIONS- Forgot to add my 5 mins intro but have a listen to all 3 piles and see which one resonates the most.
Watch here
Kind reminder- Mercury will be in retrograde for the next 3 weeks. Expect delays, not the best time to sign legal documents (do this before the 4th August), don’t make concrete decisions on new ventures (wait until it goes direct), make sure to back up data.
Mercury is the lord of travel, communication and technology. The planet rules Gemini and Virgo. These signs (if you have these signs/mercury prominent in your natal chart you ) may feel frustration (about these delays) the most.
Expect glitches in the matrix.
A time to slow down the mind, redirect, readdress, reflect, review old projects, ideas, plans. Tidy up your archive, boxes, storage, etc. Do you feel too much mercury? Nervous system could be exacerbated. Get down, touch grass, ground yourself.
These and more. Have a listen 🎼🎧