Mediumship 45 mins

Mediumship 45 mins


I offer an opportunity for you to connect further with your loved ones in Spirit. These can be friends, family members, colleagues, pets, etc who really want to share a message(s) with you but maybe you find it difficult to hear them on your own. Maybe you have been doubting your intuitive abilities and the messages you receive from your guides, loved ones, etc. Maybe you need closure on how they died... Book for a 45 mins session via Zoom or pre-recorded and sent to your inbox directly (still 45 mins). Please visit the Contact page for your mediumship enquiry. _____________________________________________________________


If you would like to tip me for healing sessions or for the free readings I provide on Instagram: @abstract_medicine or on Youtube (Abstract Medicine ) it will be greatly received. Proceeds go to the tools and research provided for healing sessions. Two options below:


  • Paypal: @CrystalAbstractMed

Thank you


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